Keep Moving Forward

Just shy of three years ago, I had been writing on my personal blogs Embracing Adversity and Today is Possible. I first began writing in 2013, initially as an outlet, and then as an avenue for connecting and engaging with people. There was a desire to share real life experiences, and consequently, to develop processes for managing and working through the adversities that we face in life. I covered topics such as the 3 Stages of Personal Development, Managing Complex Change, and techniques for working through life’s challenges.

When I stopped writing, my life was in the midst of a bit of uncertainty. In shifting careers, growing a family, and moving to a new home, my plate was overflowing with other obligations. I have heard it said before that the three most stressful life events are changing jobs, moving homes, and having a kid – I was doing all three at once. So, something had to take a backseat and it wasn’t going to be the new opportunities that were on the horizon.  

During the time that has passed since, I have not forgotten what it feels like to put the pen to paper and to create meaningful content. From time to time, I would chicken scratch ideas on paper, or find myself saying, ‘that would be a good post’. Even more often, “I need to get back to writing.”

Now, we are all here, in a global state of affairs like many of us have never had to experience. So much uncertainty surrounds us, and we are literally taking it one day at a time. For many, stability has been replaced with uncertainty, optimism with doubt, and encouragement with hesitation.  

In many cases, the changes we experienced yesterday will change again today. Change is driven by either an internal or external event – some within our control and many outside of what we can manage.  

So, here I am writing again. Why now? What has changed? Everything. Everything has changed in the last four months. The way we work, the way we educate, the way we govern – the way that we do life. While life activities have shifted, there is no replacement for that connection that we share with people. The small talk at the office, the birthday and graduation parties, and doing business with trusted partners has possibly shifted into a completely new paradigm. Consequently, this has only increased the desire to have that human connection.

I am not excluded from this COVID state that we are in. While I’m not necessarily an extrovert, I do thrive in environments of like-minded people. Two of my life mottos are as follows:

  • Do the best you can with intention and purpose. Intention means effort and purpose means passion.  

  • Complacency breeds mediocrity. I will never settle for anything less than what I know I am capable.

So, I ask the questions again. Why now? What has changed? If I don’t make time for writing now, then life will continue to ‘get in the way’.  

The easiest way to never reach your potential is to never get started. Sitting on your haunches is by no means moving you forward.

Sitting down and creating meaningful words is important to me, but the connection to people that the words bring is what I am seeking. This is doing something with intention and purpose. I have never wanted to be just average. Average work and average effort produce average results, which is fine if that is what you want. I know in my head and heart, that there are no limitations to what I can accomplish and an average lifestyle just won’t cut it.

What’s next?

Good question.  

Writing, a lot of writing. Between what I have saved in the archives, as well as new material, I’m excited to begin getting back into the rhythm. I’m eager to see what creative potential is in the bag. I’m motivated to continue pushing myself to simply be a better person.

Why? Because it’s possible.

More importantly, today is possible.

I have re-activated my most recent website. Over the coming weeks, and months, I will be actively writing, engaging and working to build a platform that helps individuals and companies drive positive and lasting change.